Thursday, August 25, 2005

There are people out there who love their job who aren't being allowed to do it, and that's sad. We love their job too, so we decided a baking blitz was our best course of action. Nothing says labour solidarity quite like four dozen cupcakes at 8:15 in the morning!

9:46 a.m.


at 11:11 a.m. Anonymous said...

I feel really guilty holding the cupcakes in the photo. They're so beautifully decorated and I contributed zero labour to the effort.

at 11:47 a.m. Anonymous said...

Cupcakes look great!!

at 12:49 p.m. Anonymous said...

5 dozen cupcakes that are not quite as pretty but tried hard were delivered with no camera to the winnipeg crew also. oh, and your card is more impressive too. But mine was on yellow card stock with the same drawing less skill on the front. Weird thing, is at first I thought the card was your skirt. and I was wondering where you got it

at 1:58 p.m. Anonymous said...

That would have been an awesome skirt. I'm sure we could do it.

at 5:00 p.m. Anonymous said...

Hey mysterious Winnipeg cupcake donor, thanks! They are photographed here:

at 10:34 p.m. Anonymous said...

Stunning cupcakes! We haven't had cupcakes in Saint John, NB, but many folks have stopped by with coffee or Timbits. Thanks very much for all the support. It really does pick up our spirits.

at 3:25 p.m. Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much, you key demographic gals, for the delicious cupcakes. I am a picketer in Ottawa, and that sort of thing really, really makes a difference in our outlook and mood, to know that we have such enthusiastic support behind us.