Thursday, August 25, 2005

Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 23:00:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: [ ]
Subject: Lock Out

Dear Honourable Members of the Government and Members of the CBC Leadership,

Tonight I have spent the evening baking cupcakes to deliver tomorrow morning to the locked out CBC workers who normally keep me aware, educated and entertained. It is an act of solidarity I would like to expand on by taking the time to tell you how important the CBC is to me.

I live in Winnipeg South Centre and have friends living in Ottawa who have spent the evening doing the same as I. We realize that we represent an important demographic, as we are all aged 18-35.

In the morning I wake up to the Manitoba Morning show, and stay tuned for the big voice and the Current as well as Sounds Like Canada. On Saturdays I wake up early just for the House and Go. I watch the CBC National online. And I check the website several times a day. If I had cable I would be a huge fan of the Hour, instead I just watch all the video clips which make it onto the website.

I am afraid to imagine what Canada would be like without the CBC. I think, like many of your listeners, I count on CBC radio to connect me with parts of Country I am separated from. Gzowski was practically off the air when I started tuning in but the lady he interviewed walking around the chicken farm will always seem like my friend. And I have only ever been on a real farm once. Sometimes I listen to the news online in the Yukon because I have never been to Northern Canada and love to hear about that world.

This labour dispute, of course, goes beyond my nostalgia (of which I could write forever) it deals with the kind of work force we are creating in Canada. One which can be replaced at any moment. One that leaves us focusing on what we will do next instead of doing what we are doing now.

I want the Canada I live in to be one where public radio receives the support it needs from our government and creates a secure workforce. Please find a way to resolve this lock out quickly so we can return to the regularly scheduled programming which I love so much.

Thank You,

[ ]

3:36 p.m.


at 9:35 p.m. Anonymous said...

I stopped watching the CBC 3 years ago. I do not miss it one bit. 1 billon dollars per year has been spent by the taxpayers to fund the CBC, that works out to about $33 dollars per Canadian. I want my $100 dollars back please.

at 11:35 p.m. Anonymous said...

Really? You don't watch Hockey Night in Canada or the CFL? You didn't watch the Olympics? The CBC provides a lot of great programming, in sports, news and the arts. I miss it every day and I'm so worried about what's going to happen to shows like Monday Report and This is Wonderland.

at 8:02 p.m. Anonymous said...

I gave up on pro sports. If I want sports I go play tennis or work out at the gym. My co-workers wanted me to join a hockey pool this year and I told them that if they can go on strike, so can I. The CBC news is so bad compared to the news available on the interent. News collectors such as Drudge, Bourque and Nealenews keep me up to date in about 30 seconds. Why watch a 1/2 hour news cast? May I have my $100 back please.

at 8:27 p.m. Anonymous said...

I asked my co-worker about cable today. I understand cable costs 42$ a month. My internet bill is 35$ a month. For 33$ a year I get cbc radio (one, two and 3), cbc tv (I'll agree it is the weak link but still a bargain) and which i find stays as current as Bourque, plus it has in depth reports on bigger issues, video and radio and the ever entertaining cbc kids games. Sorry you feel it's a bad use of 33$ a year, but my count I get alot more for it than most places I spend 33$.

at 10:56 a.m. Anonymous said...

Also, Bourque has links to news every day. So without the CBC, you'd get less news out of Bourque.

at 1:32 p.m. Anonymous said...

On your computer is a file called "hosts". Open it with a text editor and add the following line:

May I have my $100 please.

at 3:51 p.m. Anonymous said...

Maybe you haven't been paying attention. First of all, no one affiliated with this blog has anything to do with the CBC, so we don't have any of your tax money. Second, you're wrong, so it doesn't matter anyway.